Sentence regarding the anti-covid measures in Italy: an Italian prime minister's decree limiting basic rights is unconstitutional
Il giudice assolve una coppia uscita di casa durante il lockdown perché il Dpcm che vieta gli spostamenti è illegittimo per contrasto con la Costituzione.
A judge (in Reggio Emiglia, Italien) finds a couple that left their home during the lockdown not guilty because the underlying decree of the president of the council of minister (i.e., a decree of the Italian prime minister) which prohibits leaving one's home is unlawful owing to its being unconstitutional.
Ein Richter (in Reggio Emiglia, Italien) spricht ein Paar, dass während des Lockdown seine Wohnung verlassen hatte, frei, weil das zugrundeliegende Dekret des Präsidenten des Ministerrats (Dpcm), das das Verlassen der Wohnung verbietet, wegen Verfassungswidrigkeit rechtswidrig ist.
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